Conference 2013 Vomacka Student Speaker Competition

Initially introduced at the 2002 Annual Conference, The Richard W. Vomacka Student Speaker Competition is named for an NCEMSF mentor who passed away in October 2001. This symposium is a chance for student lecturers to showcase their presentation skills and earn bragging rights for their collegiate EMS organization. The competition is judged on a speaker's ability to deliver a relevant high-quality seminar to his/her peers - points are awarded based on strength of the submitted abstract, quality of the delivered presentation and audiovisual materials.

Vomacka presentations may be delivered one or two speakers from the same institution.

For those students interested in participating in the Richard W. Vomacka Student Speaker Competition, please attach a Word Document to an e-mail to including the following information:

  • Full name(s) of speaker (as it should appear on a name tag and in the published program with academic degrees and clinical certifications)
  • School Affiliation / Campus Based EMS Group and any applicable leadership titles
  • Email address(es)
  • Telephone number
  • A brief biography suitable for printing as well as a current CV and/or resume
  • Proposed talk title and abstract both suitable for printing (abstracts should be no more than 200 words)
    • A detailed outline of the proposed 45 minute presentation is encouraged as well

The deadline for Richard W. Vomacka submission is February 1, 2013. Applicants will be notified of the commitee's decision by February 8th.

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