Conference 2019 Vomacka Student Speaker Competition

Initially introduced at the 2002 Annual Conference, The Richard W. Vomacka Student Speaker Competition is named for an NCEMSF mentor who passed away in October 2001. This symposium is a chance for student lecturers to showcase their presentation skills and earn bragging rights for their collegiate EMS organization. The competition is judged on a speaker's ability to deliver a relevant high-quality seminar to their peers. Points are awarded based on strength of the submitted abstract, quality of the delivered presentation, and audiovisual materials. 

Topics should be relevant to the practice and maintenance of a collegiate EMS organization. While you may reference the activities of your own squad in your presentation, your talk should not be exclusively a reflection of your own squad’s patterns of practice. Reflecting on personal practices is appropriate, but should be supplemented by an adequate literature search regarding your topic.

Vomacka presentations may be co-presented by up to two speakers from the same institution. The committee will select between six and eight submissions to be presented and judged at the conference. In general, multiple submissions from the same institution will not be selected, but all are encouraged to submit. All Vomacka Student Speaker Competition participants must be paid conference attendees. Complimentary conference attendance is only available for non-student presenters.

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the 2019 Vomacka Student Speaker Competition was January 30, 2019. Applicants will be notified of the committee's decision in early February.

All Vomacka Student Speaker applications must be submitted online and you must be logged in to our website to submit (if you do not have a website account yet, please create one here before continuing). Please follow these directions to ensure your submission is correctly routed:

Be sure to select "Vomacka Student Speaker Competition" under "Submission Type." Following the submission link in the previous paragraph will ensure this box is automatically checked. 

You will need the following information to complete your submission:

  • Full name(s) of speaker (as it should appear on a name tag and in the published program with academic degrees and clinical certifications)
  • School Affiliation / Campus Based EMS Group and any applicable leadership titles
  • Email address(es) and Telephone number
  • A brief biography (100 words) suitable for printing as well as a current CV and/or resume
    Your CV/Resume will be uploaded after submitting the online form. Follow the link from the submission confirmation page to the file upload section. You must be logged in to upload files. Resumes can in be Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If you are co-presenting your Vomacka talk with a second person, there are two options for resumes; upload one resume to each option to avoid over-writing your co-presenter's resume. 
  • Proposed talk title and abstract both suitable for printing (abstracts should be no more than 200 words)
  • A detailed outline of the proposed 45 minute presentation is encouraged as well
    Your outline will be uploaded after submitting the online form. Follow the link from the submission confirmation page to the file upload section. You must be logged in to upload the file. This can be Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) only.

After submitting the online form, please be sure to upload your Resume/CV and your Presentation Outline using the links on the site. You must be logged in to upload files. If you are co-presenting your Vomacka talk with a second individual, you can submit them as separate files (Resume 1 and Resume 2), but both must be uploaded by the person who made the original submission. The file upload link can be accessed after the original submission is made via the speaker portalPlease remember that your application is not complete without uploading your Resume/CV and your Presentation Outline. Only fully complete applications will be considered. 

The deadline for Richard W. Vomacka submission has passed