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26th Annual National Collegiate EMS Conference

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CPR Superheroes Assemble! Overcoming the Barriers of Bystander Initiated CPR

The Problem: Bystander CPR is initiated in only 28.6% of cases of out of hospital cardiac arrest despite the fact that victims only have a short window of time to survice this event. Victims depend on the prompt delivery of CPR, defibrillation, and Advanced Life Support. Women and minorities receive bystander initiated CPR at much lower rates than males and white victims of cardiac arrest. Beyond this, bystanders, including ones that have received CPR training, fail to act in situations requiring CPR due to various fears - including that they may hurt the victim. The Solution: Understanding and overcoming the obstacles to bystander initiated CPR through approachable public education. Code One Training Solutions, LLC is an American Heart Association Training Center that has approached the barriers to bystander initiated CPR in a very unique way. They recruit CPR Superheroes and empower them with the knowledge and skills to save a life.


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