Founded in 1993, the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to scholarship, research and to creating a safer, healthier environment on college and university campuses through the support, promotion, and advocacy of campus-based emergency medical services. The Foundation is committed to the advancement of existing response groups and assisting in the development of new response groups.
NCEMSF serves as an umbrella organization supporting its over 250 constituent member colleges and universities in providing campus based emergency medical services. These, often student-run organizations, are comprised of highly trained students ready to respond in any medical emergency. Student volunteers respond within minutes and provide emergency care tailored specifically to their campus community. These groups range from quick-response services on foot or bike to advanced life support (ALS) transporting units.
In addition to providing for the acquisition of medical knowledge, campus based EMS allows student participants to develop certain life skills including leadership, communication, and decision-making. NCEMSF provides a forum for communication and creates an environment where ideas can be exchanged and problems can be solved.