Upload Photos and Videos of NCEMSF History
As part of NCEMSF's 25th Anniversary Celebration, we will be creating a video showcasing our history. To that end, we are asking for photos and videos from the past 25 years of Conferences, EMS Weeks, and other NCEMSF-related activities.
To submit a photo or video, please use the form below. If you have an account on our website, please log in first so we can better track submissions. For alumni, accounts from our previous websites have been transitioned over; use the "Forgot login" link at the bottom of the page and enter the email address you would have used with that account to receive a password reset link.
- We can accept uploaded files up to 20MB.
- For larger files, please upload the file to a hosting/storage service of your choice (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc) and set the file so it can be viewed by anyone with the link. Then select "Link to a File" in the first field and paste the link into the text field that appears.
To help us organize the submissions, we are asking for the date of the photo or video, if known. If you do not know the date, please pick an approximate date. While we understand that the date given may not be 100% correct, the form does require that a single, specific date be selected. To quickly jump to a specific month and year, click on the Month and Year at the top of the date picker.